24 Hours 7 Days Free And Confidential
1800 888 236
Peer Support

Frequently Asked Questions


1800 888 236

For Immediate

Who is the Peer Support Finder for?

This Peer Support Finder is for people in Victoria who are:

  • concerned about their own alcohol and other drug use
  • concerned about a family member or friend’s alcohol and other drug use, or
  • professionals who want to refer somebody to a  peer support group.
How was the Peer Support Finder developed?

This Peer Support Finder is part of a project funded by the Department of Health and Human Services. Staff from Turning Point conducted a systematic search of peer support groups in Victoria through the websites of peer support groups, services and organisations. They recorded the details of each of the groups and entered these into a database. This website indexes peer support groups from the database. 

Is the information up to date?

We endeavour to update information on this website as regularly as possible, but we cannot guarantee that all information is correct. There are hundreds of peer support groups in Victoria, and dates and times of groups may change. We encourage you to click on the link provided for each group to double-check details about the group, and contact the groups if you need to confirm any information.

I’m aware of an alcohol and other drug peer support group that I couldn’t find on the Peer Support Finder. How can I get it on the list?

Please contact [email protected]. We will assess all submissions and add relevant groups to the database as soon as possible.

How can I provide feedback about the Peer Support Finder?

We would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on the website. You can provide these by contacting [email protected]