24 Hours 7 Days Free And Confidential
1800 888 236

Find support that’s right for you

Speak to a DirectLine counsellor for on-the-spot information, counselling and referral

1800 888 236

What support options are available?

We can connect you with a wide range of support and
treatment services throughout Victoria. 

Counselling and support

DirectLine offers immediate telephone support and online counselling provided by professionals trained in a range of alcohol and drug issues. 

Our counsellors can also connect you with face-to-face services for treatment in your area.

Withdrawal services

There are a variety of services offered to people coping with withdrawal. These include residential short-stay facilities, home-based services and outpatient withdrawal treatment.

If you’re not sure which is right for you, speak to a counsellor or contact your local intake and assessment service.

Methadone and other pharmacotherapies

Pharmacotherapy is the term used to describe the use of medication to assist in the treatment of addiction. Methadone is one example of a pharmacotherapy program that is active in Victoria.

Our counsellors can provide you with more information about how these programs work and refer you to a local service for further treatment. Learn more.


Ready 2 Change is a drug and alcohol brief counselling intervention (one to six sessions) and is delivered over the phone by qualified mental health professionals.

It is typically recommended for individuals with mild to moderate substance use, e.g. using most days but not every day. It can be a good option for someone who is accessing drug and alcohol counselling for the first time.

Learn more about Ready2Change

Take Home Naloxone

The Take-Home Naloxone Program increases access to free naloxone, a medication that reverses opioid overdose. The program means that more people who may experience or witness an opioid overdose can have access to free naloxone, including people who use opioids, or families, friends and carers.

Family, relationship and group counselling

If somebody you love has an alcohol or drug problem, it’s important you look after yourself, as well as look out for them.

Our counsellors can talk you through some strategies or refer you to specialist family, relationship or group counselling services.

Services for Aboriginal communities

Specialist alcohol and drug treatment services are available to Aboriginal people who are affected (either directly or indirectly) or who are at risk of being affected by alcohol or drugs.

Services include health promotion, information provision, education activities, development and maintenance of community linkages, referrals and counselling. 

Services for young people

There are a range of treatment and support options available for young people, including outreach, withdrawal, rehabilitation and supported accommodation for young people affected by alcohol and other drugs.

We can also connect you with specialist youth counselling and mental health services throughout Victoria.

Rehabilitation and post-withdrawal

There are different options available if you’ve recently undergone a withdrawal program. Victoria offers residential and peer support programmes for rehabilitation.

Call DirectLine or contact your local intake and assessment service for more information.