24 Hours 7 Days Free And Confidential
1800 888 236

Are you a health professional?

Find out how we can assist you and your clients

1800 888 236

Immediate support,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Self assessment

Encourage your client to complete a self-assessment.

What you can do

We can work with you and your clients.

Work with your client to understand their situation

Encourage your client to do a self-assessment online to get a better understanding of their situation and level of risk.

Contact us for advice

We can provide clinical advice, referral options and information about how the treatment sector works for you and your client.

Communicate the support options available

Let your client know the range of services and support available to them.

Find out more about  specialist alcohol and drug services available in Victoria


Ask your client to call our support line

We can work directly with your client. Encourage them to call and speak with a counsellor for immediate specialist support on 1800 888 236.

How we can help

Our counsellors can provide immediate support and/or referrals for your clients.

Our counsellors can provide:

  • Immediate counselling and support
  • Support in dealing with the impact of drug use on families
  • Assistance in developing strategies to deal with alcohol or drug problems
  • Information about how to reduce the harm associated with drug use
  • Information and referral to treatment and support services across Victoria
  • Links to further information and education resources

We refer to treatment services including:

  • Individual counselling
  • Withdrawal services
  • Pharmacotherapy services (e.g. methadone and buprenorphine)
  • Drink and drug driving services
  • Take Home Naloxone Program
  • Needle and syringe collection and disposal services
  • Services for Aboriginal communities
  • Family, relationship and group counselling
  • Rehabilitation and post-withdrawal

Useful links

These services can provide assistance to you and your clients