24 Hours 7 Days Free And Confidential
1800 888 236

About us


1800 888 236

For Immediate

DirectLine was established in 1986 to provide a 24-hour telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone in Victoria wishing to discuss an alcohol or drug-related issue.

DirectLine is a key component of Victoria’s state-wide alcohol and drug network. It complements the network of treatment and support services in the community through the provision of multiple, immediate responses to people affected by alcohol and drug issues.

What does DirectLine provide?

Within the broader alcohol and drug service delivery framework, DirectLine provides:

  • Information, counselling and referral around alcohol and drug issues
  • An immediate and highly accessible alcohol and drug response service, especially to populations in remote areas
  • Access to a 24/7 service by phone or online
  • Brief interventions within a harm minimisation framework to prevent or reduce problems associated with drug use
  • An anonymous and confidential service

Who operates DirectLine?

DirectLine is staffed by professional counsellors at Turning Point, a Victorian Centre for Excellence in alcohol and drug treatment, research and education. All counsellors are experts trained to work with a range of alcohol and drug problems.

Turning Point was established in 1994 to provide leadership to the drug and alcohol field in Victoria, Australia.

Turning Point amalgamated with public health provider, Eastern Health in 2009 and is formally affiliated with Monash University.  

We are part of the International Network of Drug Treatment & Rehabilitation Resource Centres for the United Nations Office of Drugs & Crime (UNODC), and a member of the International Harm Reduction Association. We are also a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and an accredited Higher Education Provider.

We strive to promote and maximise the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities living with, and affected by alcohol and other drug-related harms.